Friday, June 20, 2014

Oklahoma summer camps IN NEWCASTLE, OK
NOT specific to special needs but involves animals...thought would post for fyi
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Tiger Safari Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
JUNE 9TH -JUNE 13TH & JULY 14th-18th Tiger Safari Jr. Zookeeper Summer Camp Program
Our 2014 camps provide a unique opportunity to experience the animals from the prospective of their care takers. You will learn by hands on experiences, classroom discussions, crafts, games and observation. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity geared for kids who love animals and are excited to learn about what it takes to care for them.
JUNE 9th-JUNE 13th& JULY 14-18th 1/2 day Buddy Program (max 10 Campers for a.m. and 10 campers for p.m. )
Age 5 to 10(Must be 5 by September 2014
1/2 Day program 9a.m. to 12p.m. or 1p.m to 4 p.m.
Cost $100 plus $15 t-shirt fee
And 2 adult tickets to spend the day at the park after camp. Additional tickets may be purchased at a discount.
Camp Fee includes:
Park entry daily for camper
Camp t-shirt
drinks and a snack
Hands on activities
Daily animal interaction
Group Photo with animals
Snack and Drinks

Morning Camp Schedule: 9am to 12pm
9:00am -9:15am Arrival
9:15 am - 9:45am Touchable animal experience (hands on experience)
9:45am- 10:45am Zoo tour- Learn about the animals at Tiger Safari/ Feeding Time
10:45 am- 11:15am Craft Time
11:15 am- 11:30 am Snack Time
11:30 am- 11:50 am Animal Spotlight (hands on experience)
11: 50 am -12:00 pm Game Time
12:00pm Pick-up Time

Afternoon Camp Schedule: 1pm to 4pm
1:00pm -1:15pm Arrival
1:15 pm - 1:45pm Touchable animal experience (hands on experience)
1:45pm- 2:45pm Zoo tour- Learn about the animals at Tiger Safari/ Feeding Time
2:45 pm- 3:15pm Craft Time
3:15 pm- 3:30 pm Snack Time
3:30 pm- 3:50 pm Animal Spotlight (hands on experience)
3: 50 pm -4:00 pm Game Time
4:00pm Pick-up Time
JUNE 9th -JUNE 13th & JULY 14th-18th Jr. Zookeeper Summer Camp Programs
All day 9am to 5pm
Full Day Discovery Program: Ages 7 -8 and 9-10 (max 20 campers)
Cost $200 plus $15 t-shirt fee
9:00am to 5:00p.m.
And 2 adult tickets to spend the day at the park after camp. Additional tickets may be purchased at a discount.
Camp Fee includes:
Park entry daily for camper
Camp t-shirt
drinks and a snack
Hands on activities
Daily animal interaction
Photograph with your groups Spot Light Animal
Classroom Time: Go in depth about your spotlight animal
Animal Care
Lunch is NOT provided bring a sack lunch
Creature Feature Show on Friday at 5:00pm
Camp Schedule:
9:00am-9:15am Arrive
9:15am - 9:45 am Morning Meeting and Daily Lesson
9:45am- 10:10 am Game Time
10:10am- 10:40 am Touchable animal experience
10:40 am- 10:55 am Snack Time
10:55am- 11:30 am Zoo Check- welfare check, playtime and feeding
11:30am - 12:00pm LUNCH
12:00pm- 12:30pm Zoo Keeper Challenge with prizes: Cage cleaning contest
Bowl Scrubbing contest
Planting Contest
Feed Prep Contest
Animal welfare Check Relay Race
12:30pm- 1:00pm- Animal Spotlight (Classroom Time) Learn about your groups animal and prepare for Creature Feature Show
1:00pm- 1:30pm -Craft Time
1:30pm- 2:30pm - Tour Time: Learn all about Tiger Safari's Animals and how to give a guided tour
2:30pm- 3:30pm- Cage Clean-up- Learn how to prepare animal cages and clean them safely and properly
3:00pm-3:15pm- water break/ hand washing/ equipment clean up
3:15pm- 3:45pm- Snack Time / Story Time
3:45pm- 4:45pm - Lesson Review/ animal Spotlight Time and Discovery (hands on activity)
4:45pm- 5:00pm- Game Time
Jr. Zoo Keeper Program: Ages 11-12 and 13-14 (max 20 campers)
Cost $200 plus $15 t-shirt fee
9:00am to 5:00p.m.
And 2 adult tickets to spend the day at the park after camp. Additional tickets may be purchased at a discount.
Camp Fee includes:
Park entry daily for camper
Camp t-shirt
drinks and a snack
Hands on activities
Daily animal interaction
Classroom Time: Go in depth about your spotlight animal
Animal Care
Animal enrichment
Animal Care Cost
Licensing (who can own exotic animals)
Photograph with your groups spotlight animal
Lunch is NOT provided bring a sack lunch
Creature Feature Show on Friday at 5:00pm
Camp Schedule:
9:00am-9:15am Arrive
9:15am - 9:45am Morning Meeting and Daily Lesson
9:45am- 10:15 am Touchable animal experience
10:15am- 10:30 am Game time
10:30 am- 10:45 am Snack Time
10:45am- 11:30 am Zoo Check- welfare check, playtime and feeding
11:30am - 12:00pm LUNCH
12:00pm- 12:50pm Animal Spotlight (Classroom Time) Learn about your groups animal
12:50pm- 1:10pm- Zoo Keeper Challenge with prizes: Cage cleaning contest
Bowl Scrubbing contest
Planting Contest
Feed Prep Contest
Animal welfare Check Relay Race
1:10pm- 1: 45pm - Tour Time: Learn all about Tiger Safari's Animals and how to give a guided tour
1:45pm- 2:00pm - Craft Time
2:00pm- 2:30pm- Animal enrichment discussion with hands on activities
2:30pm- 3:00pm- Cage Clean-up- Learn how to prepare animal cages and clean them safely and properly
3:00pm-3:15pm- water break/ hand washing/ equipment clean up
3:15pm- 3:45pm- Snack Time / Story Time
3:45pm- 4:45pm - Running a Zoo-(mon)cage design, (tues) animal care cost, (wed) staffing and safety, (thurs) feeding cost and animal diets, (friday) licensing and restrictions - If time allows: more hands on with the animals
4:45pm- 5:00pm- Reptile Time/ Game Time
The Tiger Safari Summer Camp Program is a wild, zoo keeping adventure like no other. It's a chance for kids from age 5 to 14 years old to have an action packed, fun filled week of exploration, learning and excitement. You will get to meet all types of animals. You will even get hands on experience with some of the worlds most exotic animals. Here are just some of the exclusive fun filled activities that could be in store when you join us for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
Entry to Tiger Safari Everyday of Camp
Official Camp T-Shirt
Photograph with your spotlight animal
2 Adult Tickets to be used after camp on the last day
Activities Include:
Classroom Lessons
Touchable Animal experiences
Animal Spotlight
Animal Care
Zoo Check: Behind the Scene
Zoo Keeper Challenge
Tour Time: Learn to be a tour guide
Creature Feature Show Presentation
/ Sign-Out Policy
In order to provide a secure environment, you must sign your child in and out of camp everyday. Photo Ids are required for sign-out and will be checked daily.
Camp Rules:
Listen and Follow Instructions
Participate in Camp activities
Respect Others
Respect Property
Follow all Safety Guidelines
If at any time camp rule are not followed or behavior issues arrive and become dangerous for the animals, staff or other campers a parent will be called and asked to come and get their camper. Depending on the situation, and at the discretion of the staff, a camper may be asked not to return. Tiger Safari is a working Zoo with dangerous and deadly animals. Our number one priority is to keep our camper safe and out of harms way. We expect our campers to be on their best behavior and follow all safety precautions. The Children's Hospital at OU Medical Center no time are campers allowed behind safety fences. Staff will be allowing campers to help with the feeding and care of our trained , less threatening and more docile animals. If a camper does not follow safety precautions, rules and boundaries set up by our staff a parent will be notified and removal from the program will take place immediately.
There are no refunds for camps for any reason.
To hold your spot sign-up and pay TODAY! CLiCK BELOW TO REGISTER WILL BE FILLING UP FAST.
Registration: Give us your childs name ,age, your name and phone number.
Email or call today! 405-414-9365

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