Can you believe I am a Star Trek Fan from the start? Going back to 1966, I was 4 years old but loved to copy my oldest brother. My father him on channel checking duty because back then the remote meant making your kid go through what was on each of the major networks and maybe a UHF if one was lucky.
Amazing Star Trek was on NBC where we turned in to the transporter scene. My oldest brother was hooked and so was I. Now, I doubt even today my brother will admit to using his baby sister as a tool to get his father to let us watch Trek but he did. Heck, we did anything to watch it. I am thankful I was Daddy’s girl and the baby which worked.
Here is a drawing I did of Spock to go with a poem I wrote celebrating the 50th Anniversary.

<<<<<<*****Later I will put in the poem for the curious but back …………..FREE ACCESS to TREK*****>>>>>>
Not only have I missed access to a world of free Fan Productions, put-together from games and other + Bonus Syfy Trek on You-Tube that includes some of those listed below;
“Starfleet Academy (Movie 1997 — from the game).*** >>Hint here for fans that never played or got to wrapped up in the games or conventions it will be fun to watch then compare “The Undiscovered Country,” or elements to this! YOUTUBE URL LINK
“Star Trek — Of Gods and Men,” which for die hard fans icing on the cake includes members of the original Trek like Nichelle Nichols and Walter Koening with direction from Tim Russ. (NOTE this is a complete version the original was made in parts in years 2007 and 2008) YOUTUBE URL LINK
“Star Trek — Phase Two,” which is about finishing the five year mission of Enterprise in what is referred to as STO (in fan vernacular as Star Trek Original). Some of the original cast members appearing in these film, episodes or vignettes are: Walter Koening (Chekov), George Takei (Sulu), Grace Lee Whitney (Yeoman Janice Rand) and more from the Star Trek world. This timeline runs from 2006 to 2015 in films and episodes. Listed below a variety of Youtube links —
“Star Trek New Voyages Come What May,”
“Star Trek New Voyages,” (all fifteen in chronological order)
“Star Trek: Odyssey,” produced 2007. YOUTUBE URL Link --
3.0 Odyssey? Apparently so, Star Trek: Odyssey 3.01 'Tossed Upon The Shore, produced in 2011, I think.
For a more complete list of films check the source I used for these above, that good old net wikipedia under “Star Trek Fan Productions,”
BUT, Starbase Studios, a Trek Fan based organization was in my backyard in Oklahoma City, OK from around 2010 to the end of 2016. Something I missed out on in 1993 during my Honeymoon because my hubby is not a fan and did not want to wait to let me pay to be video tapped in a scene from Star Trek….I actually might have done during this time for free.
A fan found where a prop that had been used in an earlier fan film was rescued and then other props collected by a few people in OKC. One of the people had worked at Disney, The Smithsonian and had other industry skills worked to create a set for making films. A warehouse area was found and the use donated to fans for free until Dec. 2016. Then Starbase Studios moved to Arkansas and now is in Atlanta, Georgia.
Health conditions have kept me preoccupied since 2008 when I was involved in a mega car wreck where I sustained between five and seven fractures (depends on records) and a mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Along, with the primary injuries from the wreck, I have had to deal with secondary issues from the wreck. Hence, my focus was elsewhere.
Boy to miss something so much a part of your life. That is I am a fan but of Star Trek but I guess just not that devoted a fan. I had a few fan mementos and went to couple of conventions here in OKC when they came here. I went to Las Vegas and stayed where there is a mock set up of Starbase 9 too.
I am a fan to the point I have Spock ears and a Starfleet Medical Badge. Before I got married I obtained Poison Control Stickers to hand out every year dressed with the ears and my badge at the church Halloween party.
Therefore, since I found all of these new fan films and other media productions for free available on youtube; I just had to share it on my writing sites.
What about Star Wars? Yes, they made some fan film productions too. Below are a few Youtube URL Links to checkout;
“The Grey Jedi: A Star Wars Story,” (Fan Film)
“The Last Padawan,” (Short fan film)
You can go to Youtube and find more. My research was much more extensive for Star Trek than Star Wars. Look for free Syfy films.
Now what I have gleaned is until just recently there has been a little snipping from Paramount at the fan films for copy write infringement. Until the filming of “Prelude to Axanar,” and the fans coming up with around a million in donations did there become a real court battle.
I will leave it to you to read up on the debate and settlement. Paramount has won and laid down more strict guidelines for fan films. However, the people that took over the filming of this movie appear to me to have hijacked the filming of fan films…or some and the sets.
Part of the new Axanar Studios is for profit and the side that is the last of the Starbase Studios and money from the movie is filming the last movie. They say it cost a lot more but they built up a name for themselves and a brand.
Besides that they brought attention to the fan filming and made it more of a threat so we have less fun as fans. I also think Paramount lost some of their best seeds of creations for movies and series ideas. Face it this tells them exactly what the fans want but on a much bigger scale than they can produce.
What started with John Cosentino’s “Paragon’s Paragon,” in the 1960’s and lasted well up until the 50th anniversary, was murdered by Axanar Studios IN MY OPINION!!!
Now to those that may be curious about my poem I wrote to honor the 50th anniversary of Trek. Here is the long 66 line poem(for the year it started in 1966). I know many will think that is wrong, it should be fifty lines for fifty years. I can only say it is my creative process and there is no way I can debate your logic. Mr. Spoke might say, “It is futile and a waste of time to do so!”
My poem below …
Star Trek the year is sixty-six.
Cadets, stars, hope, peace – Quite a mix!
A far off mold is cast.
Characters diverge;
Color, country and alien,
“All together one!!”
Gene had a bright dream.
Unveil the future holding promise.
Uhura, a luscious, confident black woman.
Scotty, top fleet engineer, keeps Enterprise booking.
Bones’, the Doc, tends to all “Boo-Boo’s.” Sulu, navigator, plotting and planning, does the steering.
Nurse Chappell, in the shadows, always seeking Spock.
Many things Spock represents, of brain and circuits.
Cadets, stars, hope, peace – Quite a mix!
A far off mold is cast.
Characters diverge;
Color, country and alien,
“All together one!!”
Gene had a bright dream.
Unveil the future holding promise.
Uhura, a luscious, confident black woman.
Scotty, top fleet engineer, keeps Enterprise booking.
Bones’, the Doc, tends to all “Boo-Boo’s.” Sulu, navigator, plotting and planning, does the steering.
Nurse Chappell, in the shadows, always seeking Spock.
Many things Spock represents, of brain and circuits.
Good and Evil? Ying and Yang?
Conscious and Subconscious?
Constant inner struggle.
Example to America of what harm a mental health issue might be.
Star Trek was/is innovative, many firsts.
Roddenberry’s cryptic language in promoting social awareness.
Inspired many next generation scientists.
Myself, I picked pharmacy, healthcare and more.
Think about the year, 66, first appeared.
How many religions find it/this evil?
Coincidence or apocalyptic? Cause upheaval?
God works or working in mysterious ways?
Smart move getting people out of their sleepy daze!
Could be only year Star Trek came out.
Remember Enterprise’s five year mission?
Exploration and “To boldly go where no man has go before?”
How about TV’s first interracial kiss?
Star Trek has an exceptionally decisive development role in our culture.
How many kids were watching the show?
In that moment determined to make those gadgets become real?
The series created much;
With a Scarecrow’s budget.
Star Trek is classic ICON.
In this fiftieth year of Star Trek,
Think back over the images and symbols;
Did Star Trek strike any chords?
Are you on board?
Do the last fifty years make you critical, cynical, or agnostic toward Trek?
Is Star Trek diagnostic of our culture’s problems or ability to live in a fantasy world?
If put to a vote, positive or negative impact on society, which way would you twirl?
Of the cast, who had the most profound influence?
Which cast member have I failed to mention?
Engineer, Doctor, Navigator or someone else?
Clarify this is based on the original cast series.
Have to admit Captain Kirk (William Shatner) disgusts me because I fell his actions detract from overall good.
Gene Roddenberry, to me, displayed remarkable talent of showing our society’s good 2 be superior and in an entertaining venue.
Star Trek's gave us a future with a menu.
We can make real choices in society that work with a win-win.
Still it was a show,
A family could spend time together;
Relish the experience just like being at a rodeo.
Quality family time with little vulgar language and minimal violence.
Parents in my opinion would find few bad parts to screen from their children, an option that was/is viable.
I am sure all agree Spock to be, if is, Star Trek’s clear symbol. Coincidence Spock dies on anniversary? See for what it speaks!
Conscious and Subconscious?
Constant inner struggle.
Example to America of what harm a mental health issue might be.
Star Trek was/is innovative, many firsts.
Roddenberry’s cryptic language in promoting social awareness.
Inspired many next generation scientists.
Myself, I picked pharmacy, healthcare and more.
Think about the year, 66, first appeared.
How many religions find it/this evil?
Coincidence or apocalyptic? Cause upheaval?
God works or working in mysterious ways?
Smart move getting people out of their sleepy daze!
Could be only year Star Trek came out.
Remember Enterprise’s five year mission?
Exploration and “To boldly go where no man has go before?”
How about TV’s first interracial kiss?
Star Trek has an exceptionally decisive development role in our culture.
How many kids were watching the show?
In that moment determined to make those gadgets become real?
The series created much;
With a Scarecrow’s budget.
Star Trek is classic ICON.
In this fiftieth year of Star Trek,
Think back over the images and symbols;
Did Star Trek strike any chords?
Are you on board?
Do the last fifty years make you critical, cynical, or agnostic toward Trek?
Is Star Trek diagnostic of our culture’s problems or ability to live in a fantasy world?
If put to a vote, positive or negative impact on society, which way would you twirl?
Of the cast, who had the most profound influence?
Which cast member have I failed to mention?
Engineer, Doctor, Navigator or someone else?
Clarify this is based on the original cast series.
Have to admit Captain Kirk (William Shatner) disgusts me because I fell his actions detract from overall good.
Gene Roddenberry, to me, displayed remarkable talent of showing our society’s good 2 be superior and in an entertaining venue.
Star Trek's gave us a future with a menu.
We can make real choices in society that work with a win-win.
Still it was a show,
A family could spend time together;
Relish the experience just like being at a rodeo.
Quality family time with little vulgar language and minimal violence.
Parents in my opinion would find few bad parts to screen from their children, an option that was/is viable.
I am sure all agree Spock to be, if is, Star Trek’s clear symbol. Coincidence Spock dies on anniversary? See for what it speaks!
For all the internal struggles, the journey, Spock has resolution and peace in his humanity; alien or what or not!